Heaven Flowers Fioristi - Prato
Heaven Flowers Fioristi - Prato

A flower atelier in Prato


We paint with flowers at our Prato shop. Come to our atelier and discover the scent of the dream that we have been cultivating from the very beginning.

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Heaven Flowers Fioristi - Prato

Allow yourself to be surrounded by their flower’s scent as well as the iridescent hues of petals and stems. In the historic center of Prato you will be welcomed by an elegant ambiance where  medieval architectural elements flawlessly blend with contemporary design accents.


You will find ever-changing scents and fragrances, simple bouquets and intricate arrangements, an array of colors amidst wood and fascinating 16th-century stone arches.  The refined hues of nature transform this shop into an emotional experience. You will also enjoy spending time in the inner courtyard that opens up in front of you.


We deliver to your doorstep personally in Prato and in the Prato area, while we can deliver to any location thanks to our partnership with Faxiflora.

Heaven Flowers Fioristi - Prato

"Every blooming flower reminds us that the world is still not tired of colors."

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